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Meta Library

Meta is a software in the education industry that provide a service to help students become better and more effective at studying. It goes direct to the consumer as a study companion to help users organise the way they learn, track their studies and get access to learning strategies that are evidence space.

The Problem

Synthesis and Design

Our goal was to validate the existence of the problem in target customer segments and identify key pinpoints and value propositions in the form of features that would address those pinpoints. Through surveys, 1 on 1 customer interviews conducted remotely plus analysis and research of online commentary and sentiment, I created research artefacts including empathy maps and buyer personas to capture our insights.


Based on our research, we created a landing page to test our understanding of the problem and validate certain ideas we had around the solution. This landing page was marketed to potential users in our target customer segments via social media and other websites, and over 200 people signed up. This gave us the confidence to proceed with creating and designing an MVP of the app.

Next Steps In the next weeks, the MVP will launch and be open to a wide range of users for testing and to understand user preferences and behaviour when using the tool.


Let’s connect!


Let’s connect!